Is Your Website ADA Compliant?

WGM now offers a $1500 ADA-compliance package for WineDirect sites.
This Package includes the following tasks and actions:
- Complete site audit for accessibility
- Ensure that all images have good ALT text where appropriate
- Check all links to be sure they contain clear, relevant text
- Check templates to be sure they have the language defined in the HTML code
- Add hidden “skip to main content” link at the top of all pages
- Check all text to be sure it has enough contrast and is easily read
- Add scripting to close modal windows and cart popup when the escape key is pressed
- Make sure site is functional when page is zoomed up to 200%
- Run site through online accessibility checker to identify and correct any other issues
Should our audit uncover any ADA issues that would require substantially redesigning or changing the content, functionality, or look and feel of your site, we will provide a summary, options, and recommended course of action based on the significance of the issue and its impact on your site.
We hope that our assistance in getting your site ADA-Compliant will help not only to avoid legal complications in the future but also to ensure anyone with visual or mobility impairments can enjoy your website and your wine too!