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How do I reconcile my cash flow?

In your eCommerce system you are going to want to track the cash flow from your tasting room sales. When your payment methods are imported to Quickbooks through our software, you’ll be able to track cash as a payment method.

Accessing the Right Reports

First of all how do you access the right report in Quickbooks to reconcile your cash flow in the easiest way? Follow these steps:

  1. In Quickbooks go to Reports
  2. Click on Report Center
  3. Search the words: Transaction List by Datehow to obtain the easiest report for split payment reconciliation.
  4. Run the report
  5. Once in the report click on the “Customize Report” buttonHow to customize a quickbooks report
  6. Now from here we need to add the “Payment Method” column, but its abbreviated to be “Pay Meth”
    how to customize a report in QB
  7. Once you have added the Payment Method to the report you can filter by the Payment MethodsCustom report in Quickbooks
  8. Now compare the amounts of each of these orders with the amounts of the transactions of your eCommerce system. The cash should balance.

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